Local Improvement Networks


Have questions or comments? Send us an email.

Carlina Brown-Banks
Senior Director of Community Engagement
Community Center for Education Results
Partners at a Local Improvement Network Meeting.

Bringing together schools and community partners

Local Improvement Networks bring together district leaders, school teams, and community partners to improve early learning and elementary outcomes for students of color. The groups work together to better prepare children for kindergarten, ensure more students are proficient in early grade math, and strengthen the social and emotional learning of our youngest learners.

Core to this work is continuous improvement, a cyclical process of setting goals, identifying root causes, testing changes, and adopting improvement. Local Improvement Network schools and community partners set goals with students, identify indicators that might impact student success, address them quickly, and continue to evaluate and refine practices.

The first Local Improvement Network is in Renton and is comprised of four elementary schools and eleven community partners. They meet regularly to review data and test out high-impact strategies. The second pilot Local Improvement Network, which launched fall 2019, is in Tukwila.

Learn more about the Renton network

Partners deepen collaboration within the Renton Local Improvement Network
Read More

Racial Equity Essentials

The Road Map Project System-Wide Racial Equity Essentials are foundational, cradle-through-college system-level efforts that, if strengthened, will help our region advance racial equity and support student success. The Local Improvement Networks initiative is working in service of the following essentials: