Our Data Dashboard is a tool that allows you to explore demographics and education outcomes in the Road Map Project region. Our regional Progress Report now includes data through the 2022 academic year. Click here to learn more about CCER's Data and Research Team.
Data Dashboard
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College Enrollment and Community & Technical College Data Dashboard
Progress Report
The results presented here include confidential data from the Education Research and Data Center (ERDC) located within the Washington Office of Financial Management (OFM). ERDC’s data system is a statewide longitudinal data system that includes de-identified data about people’s preschool, educational, and workforce experiences. The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of OFM or other data contributors. Any errors are attributable to the authors.
Sup* = Suppression. To protect student privacy, data is suppressed for student groups with fewer than 10 students. An additional layer of suppression is applied in cases where only one subgroup has fewer than 10 students. Road Map Project Data Dashboard created by the Community Center for Education Results (CCER) Data and Research visit roadmapproject.org/data-dashboard/. Questions contact: info@ccedresults.org.
CCER Data Privacy Policy: The Community Center for Education Results (CCER) collects education data for only research and analysis related to improving educational outcomes in the Road Map Project region. Research can be very beneficial to help improve school systems, programs and practices. CCER puts a premium on the protection of student confidentiality and identity. All information about students that CCER accesses is handled in compliance with data-privacy laws, including the Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act (FERPA). Strong internal safeguards are in place regarding who can use the information and for what purpose. No unauthorized sharing of information will occur. Only individuals who work directly with CCER to support the Road Map Project’s research and reporting are granted access to the information – and only for that purpose. Research reports to the community and third-parties present the data in a way where no individual students could be identified.