Addressing systemic barriers to racial equity. Amplifying community voice. Building stronger systems. In seven King County school districts.

A Call to Action From The Black Community Statement of Love

District leaders – actively seek, prioritize, and champion strategies from Black parents and Black youth in your decision making.


Educators – recognize that sometimes adults play a role in the systems that keep our Black children from thriving. Continue to do the work and fight for our students.


Philanthropists and funders – seek and accessibly fund grassroots, Black-led organizations and initiatives equitably and with them at the decision-making tables.


State-level professionals – assess all consequences, unintended or otherwise, of your actions, policies, endorsements. Start with the people furthest from justice. Start with Black.


Data professionals – prioritize the qualitative and nuanced stories of our communities over quantitative data. Share and communicate this data in a way that is accessible to the communities represented.

The Problem

Education is not equitable


Our Approach

We're working together


Regional Progress

From early learning to college


We are driven by our communities

Our multisector partnership is comprised of hundreds of individuals and organizations: school districts, postsecondary education institutions, community-based organizations, businesses, government agencies, teachers and parents, students and youth, and many more.

We are all working together to build stronger systems for our communities.

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We are informed
by data

We use data and research to help us understand how to improve the education experience for students. While we do look at traditional student-level measures such as assessment scores and graduation rates, we also work to illuminate how systems can better serve our young people.

Our use of this information is driven by the recommendations, experiences, and perspectives of the most-impacted communities in our region.

Through our Street Data work we understand that true systemic change must begin with those furthest at the margins so we strive to center Opportunity Youth.

Learn more about our Common Measures used in Opportunity Youth work.



Learn More About the Data Team's Work

Keep up with the Road Map Project


The PLT is Recruiting Parent Leaders

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