For too long, our education systems have treated “English language learners” as a problem to be managed and minimized. Our Rising Voices: A Call to Action to Support Emergent Multilingual Students instead highlights data that shows it is the system that is inadequately supporting students. The report pinpoints five specific yet sweeping recommendations for building transformative changes and uplifting community voices.

Nearly half of students in the Road Map Project region (42 percent) are emergent multilingual at some point during their education and nearly all emergent multilingual students (89 percent) are students of color. This means that they are central to our communities, and that supporting them means leading with anti-racist strategies. Rather than a singular programmatic approach, we need a systems-wide shift that includes multiple strategies for uplifting multilingualism as a strength and for developing multilingualism in our students.

This report is a tool for anyone who is advocating for emergent multilingual students—families, grassroots organizers, educators, policymakers, and the young people most impacted by education policies and programs. With reimagination and resourcing, transformative changes are in reach.

Posted in: English Language Learners