The Latinx Youth Reengagement Project report was developed by the King County Department of Community and Human Services along with several partners and in direct collaboration with Latinx youth leaders. The project team is especially grateful to the 30 Latinx youth who shared their experiences and recommendations, and took time to participate in this study. The project and this report emerged from a growing awareness that Latinx youth in the region had disproportionately low credential earning rates in reengagement settings.

In an effort to find out why this was happening, King County and the Community Center for Education Results conducted listening sessions during 2018 with Latinx youth who were enrolled in King County reengagement programs. The feedback identified several ways reengagement programs might better retain Latinx students, but the team recognized the limitation of hearing only from youth who were still enrolled in programs. This prompted a deeper second phase of work, with the specific goal of finding and hearing from youth who had tried the reengagement system but left. This report summarizes what was learned. We regard this feedback as critical to understanding the kinds of changes that will increase retention of Latinx students in reengagement programs, and we plan to use their recommendations to make necessary improvements.

Posted in: Opportunity Youth , Social & Emotional Learning