Students playing at the Lakeridge Elementary school playgrond in Renton.
Last month, the Community Center for Education Results launched an Elementary Learning Support Grant opportunity to support schools and organizations serving families in the Renton Innovation Zone and Tukwila Local Improvement Networks. Funding will support continuous learning needs and collaboration for summer programming and fall re-entry to build community-based organization and school capacity, primarily in the realm of social and emotional learning and math needs. Granted projects will support families and children of the Renton Innovation Zone schools: Bryn Mawr, Campbell Hill, Lakeridge, and Highlands and/or Tukwila elementary schools: Cascade View, Thorndyke, and Tukwila Elementary.
Learn more about the projects that have received funding for programming this Aug. – Dec. In total, CCER has awarded 10 grants to seven organizations (several co-directed with more than one partner) for a total investment of $188,700.
Backpack Academy
Project: “Math in My Backyard”
A local math and science support program, the Backpack Academy is hosting a virtual math program from Aug. through Dec. Math in My Backyard is an online platform where elementary students from 2nd through 5th grade will discover the interplay of math in their backyard. Students will discuss and practice measuring the perimeter and area of outdoor spaces, organize objects found in nature by size, among other lessons. Staff will track student progress through written and verbal feedback from students, parents, and teachers collected monthly to shape the program.
Communities in Schools
Project: “Re-engage Renton” & “Re-engage Tukwila” (two grants)
In both Renton Innovation Zone and Tukwila elementary schools, Communities In Schools of Renton-Tukwila (CIS R-T) will focus on the additional SEL support students need when returning to school in the fall. CIS R-T staff will offer small group and individualized support for students referred to their caseload for social-emotional learning support.
Silent Task Force & Construyendo Juntos
Project: “South King County Rise Together”
South King County Rise Together will create community self sufficiency to respond to disasters and other interconnecting situations, such as staying safe in the COVID-19 era. This project will utilize tailored kits, community resources, and trainings to empower communities in the Renton Innovation Zone. Silent Task Force and Construyendo Juntos will focus on Black and Brown families and youth to help them feel more prepared and support each other.
Silent Task Force & Thrive Yoga with support from Renton School District
Project: “Monarchs and Butterflies”
The Monarchs and Butterflies Program is a support and transition group that is run by, created for and all about young people and how they see themselves in the world and in middle school. The goal of the project is for 5th graders to be able to develop relationships, establish a community of support thereby increasing confidence and preparedness for the transition to 6th grade and entering the new experience of middle school. Students and families will be interviewed about student needs around the middle school transition and students will set personal goals for the year. Thrive Yoga will facilitate programming to cope with stress while The Silent Task Force will facilitate programming focused on transitioning to middle school.
Sound Discipline
Project: “Strengthening Student Skills for Classroom Connection”
Sound Discipline will co-design lessons with counselors and SEL coaches from the RIZ schools an an outside consulting school psychologist. Small group lessons will be developed to supplement social-emotional skill building for elementary school students on self-regulation, relationships, communication and problem solving as well as a short component for families to practice at home.
Sound Discipline & Thorndyke Elementary School
Project: “Creating Classroom Communities and Lifting Student Voice”
Sound Discipline and Thorndyke Elementary staff will provide professional development and SEL curriculum materials for educators in Tukwila this summer and coaching and ongoing meetings to support implementation throughout the fall. The goal is to have these educators implement practices in their spaces throughout the 2020-21 school year to support increasing student social emotional skills, connection and voice in the classroom and school.
Somali Parents Education Board
Project: “Creating Classroom Communities and Lifting Student Voice”
Somali Parents Education Board will continue the Transforming Partnerships institute at Lakeridge Elementary School, and expand services to Bryn Mawr & Campbell Hill in order to continue co-creating space for collaboration and to engage leadership in developing a Racial Equity policy as community-informed work.
Somali Parents Education Board
Project: “Transforming Partnerships in Education: Tukwila”
Somali Parents Education Board will work with families at Thorndyke Elementary School to pilot the Transforming Partnerships Leadership Institute in the Tukwila School District. They will work with families to set personal and leadership development goals and to establish connections and co-create space for a shared educational community with schools.
Thrive Yoga
Project: “Community Insight Project”
Thrive Yoga will be connecting to students and families through dialogue, surveys and storytelling to better understand the needs around SEL and mental well being for youth; particularly in relation to the uncertainty around school and COVID-19. With the information we gather and in partnership with students and families we will review and revise our programming to best serve the youth in the four RIZ Network schools.
Posted in: Early Learning & Elementary Success