In January, the Road Map Project Community Leadership Team announced an opportunity to apply for Changemakers for Education grants that would fund community-led mobilization efforts that address education equity. Their commitment was to not be prescriptive in the process, to listen to community, and support community solutions. Ten organizations were awarded $8,000 each for a total of $80,000
First Five Years & Beyond
First Five Years & Beyond is an organization that provides families with tools, resources and skills to support their children. They operate on the principle that all children and their families deserve opportunities that will enable them to succeed, irrespective of their geographical location and economic status. They seek to strengthen families in all of our activities and increase those protective factors that help children thrive. First Five Years & Beyond runs a Kaleidoscope Play and Learn program in Kent that supports African immigrant and African American families.
Good Shepherd Youth Outreach
Good Shepherd Youth Outreach is a nonprofit organization that employs prevention and intervention support programs to bring life-changing opportunities to young men of color in Western Washington communities. GSYO’s vision is that their work will result in the development of youth who are healthy, holistic, engaged, economically productive and make positive contributions in the community; families that are stable, connected and supporting each other; and communities that are safe, healthy and prosperous with a diverse workforce.
South End Stories
South End Stories seeks to use storytelling and exploration of identity, through multimedia arts programs and culturally responsive facilitation, to cultivate a safe, engaging, and productive, academic experience for students. Their mission is to create trauma-informed arts practice so that every student learns through the arts, employs innovation, and is inspired to dream big. Artists, teachers, advocates, guardians, elders, and students spearhead project-based learning throughout communities.
Still Waters: Services for Families in Transition
Still Waters runs the Tukwila Weekend SnackPack Program, serving the families of children who meet the federal criteria (as defined in the McKinney-Vento Act) for homelessness and are enrolled in Tukwila School District. Their primary service is providing weekend food sacks to McKinney-Vento students in the three elementary schools in Tukwila.
Grace Point Community Church
Grace Point serves a caring, diverse community in Tukwila. Their goals are to provide support and safety for about 100 students, most of whom attend Tukwila Elementary School. They provide teacher resources, after-school meals, and supplies for the youth program.
Windz of Change Alliance
The Windz of Change Alliance strengthens Indigenous presence in Seattle’s parks and public spaces through cultural, arts, and heritage activities that impart knowledge, promote understanding, create opportunities for transformative relationships and collaborations, and build Native identity and leadership. They aim to expand how we activate spaces and places for Native people through events including powwows, Coastal Days, veterans’ ceremonies, parade groups, canoe mini-journeys, and art exhibits in places such as Victor Steinbrueck Park and Camp Long.
Urban Native Education Alliance
The Urban Native Education Alliance offers culturally responsive and relevant support to Native youth and families through social, cultural, and educational support services. The organization is driven by their grassroots community volunteers with programs that are all youth-centered, youth-driven, and designed for promoting health, wellness, academic, and socio-cultural success for youth, families, and community.
South King County Discipline Coalition
The South King County Discipline Coalition‘s mission is to end disproportionate discipline of students of color and interrupt the school to prison pipeline through anti-racist organizing, leadership development and advocacy strategies that center parents and youth directly affected. Their vision is that schools will shift away from exclusionary, punitive approaches to address student behavior, replacing them with restorative approaches that recognize the dignity and humanity of all and foster healthy, accountable relationships between schools, families, and the broader community.
Campus of Learners
Campus of Learners’s mission is to create affordable living environments that foster stability and increase self-sufficiency for low-income families and individuals. They raise funds to support Seattle Housing Authority projects; plan and administer programs of employment and training, education, and individual and family counseling, as well as other community and support services that target low income persons and lead self-sufficiency; and provide consultation and training to public housing authorities and other entities which house or plan to house low and moderate income people.
Congolese Integration Network
The Congolese Integration Network is an organization in South Seattle led by and for Congolese immigrants and refugees. They provide community members with access to critical resources, including housing assistance, interpretation services, and employment support. By bringing community together and advocating for their health and well-being, they facilitate the social, economic, cultural, and spiritual integration of Congolese immigrants and refugees into their homes in Washington state.
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