Who we are
The Road Map Project’s Community Leadership Team (CLT) provides strategic leadership to help the Road Map Project reach its 2030 goal, working with Project partners, actions teams and initiatives to ensure that the work is antiracist and is responsive to community priorities.
The opportunities
In 2020, the CLT’s focus is on identifying and uplifting community work and leaders in the South King County region doing transformative work in education and advancing education advocacy priorities that support the mobilization of the Road Map Project System-Wide Racial Equity Essentials. None of this work can be done without supporting community-led work and solutions.
Community-led work is defined as an effort to solve a problem identified by a group of people bound by common interest, geography, identity, and/or affinity who have direct stakes in the outcome; An effort with processes and solutions identified by and owned by the community.
What are the System-Wide Racial Equity Essentials?
The Racial Equity Essentials are foundational, cradle-through-college, system-level efforts that, if strengthened, will help the region advance racial equity and support student success. This list was developed and has been refined by Road Map Project stakeholders. Your participation in the survey will support their further refinement.
The CLT believes that if partnerships are built across the region, alignment is established, and community-led efforts are provided resources and capacity to mobilize around education equity, we will achieve the synergy needed to achieve the Road Map Project 2030 goals, and succeed in advancing a common set of local advocacy priorities in 2020.
If you have any questions or need this form in a different language or format, please reach out to Cinthia Illan-Vazquez at ci-vazquez@ccedresults.org, current staff to the CLT.
Community Leadership Landscape Analysis
The information collected in the landscape analysis will be the starting point for the CLT to build relationships, connect similar work across the region, and identify opportunities and barriers. A list of participants and synthesized information will be shared with participants. All participants that complete this section will have the opportunity to join the Road Map Project network and have access to resource sharing, partnership building, and other capacity building opportunities to be determined based on the survey responses. This section should take about 15 minutes to complete.
The Changemakers for Education Grant
The second part of this form is an opportunity to apply for the Road Map Project Changemakers for Education Grant totalling $70,000. Grants will most likely be smaller. The primary goal of this grant is to fund community-led mobilization efforts that address education equity.
We are committed to not being prescriptive in this process, to listen to our community, and support their solutions. Awards will prioritize efforts firmly rooted in their communities and those that apply a racial equity lens to their work. Selection criteria will prioritize efforts that respond to a community need and use asset-based lenses. The definition for mobilization is intentionally broad, but at its foundation it encompasses efforts that engage and build the leadership of community to work towards racial equity.
Examples of mobilization efforts that could be funded include (please note this list is not exhaustive):
- Hosting community roundtable discussions
- Providing spaces for communities to organize, share learnings, and/or provide resources in order to achieve changes in education systems
- Hosting leadership development or capacity building trainings for community leaders in order for them to be advocates
To be eligible for the grant the effort must:
- Be community-led;
- Mobilize community around racial equity in education;
- Be in the Road Map Project region (South King County and South Seattle)
- Be a 501(C)(3) or fiscally sponsored organization (if this is a barrier, please reach out to ci-vazquez@ccedresults.org to brainstorm other alternatives)
We want to make the grant application as low-barrier as possible. You will be asked to complete a few short answers which should take no more than 30 minutes. Translation and other formats are available upon request.
Grant questions include:
- What impact have you had thus far, and what impact do you have planned for next year?
- Does your work have a focus on racial equity? If yes, please explain.
- The total pool of funding for this grant is $70,000, and awards will most likely be smaller. In addition to your proposed budget, what would you do with a grant of $5k, $10k, or $20k in order to mobilize around racial equity in education? Refer to this example to see how this question can be answered, but tailor it to your work.
- What is your annual organizational budget for 2020? Please upload your budget as an attachment if you already have one, or use this budget template.
- Do you have a funding gap in your organization? If so, please explain. This helps us understand the size of the financial need of applicants when making a selection, but this information will not be used exclusively to make an award decision. This information will also not be used to establish or commit to future funding.
- If you are selected for the grant, can you commit to regular five-minute check ins via an online document and periodic in-person check ins?
- If you are selected for the grant, can we work together to share and highlight your work with Road Map Project partners, community leaders, policymakers, etc.?
Please note, in the spirit of transparency and redistribution, CLT members are not eligible to apply for this grant, but are encouraged to fill out the landscape portion.
Reporting requirements:
Instead of typical grant reporting structures, the CLT wants to build authentic relationships with grantees, and share in learning opportunities that support the work. So, no reports will be required. Rather, selected grantees will be asked to meet with the CLT regularly to discuss how to best support their work and provide check-ins via a google form.
The process:
- Complete the landscape analysis form AND proceed to answering the grant application questions, if you want to apply for the grant. Please note that sections have to be completed in one sitting.
- Submit the form by February 21, 2020. The first 200 eligible submissions will receive a $50 Visa gift card that will need to be picked up. Pick up location(s) and date(s) will be sent via email.
- Applications will be reviewed by the Community Leadership Team and other identified stakeholders.
- Awards will be announced by late February 2020.
Fill out the landscape analysis and grant application
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