Dear friends and colleagues,
I want to share some personal news with you.
I have let the Community Center for Education Results Board of Directors know that I will be stepping down from my role as CCER’s Executive Director at the end of 2019 or early 2020. Exact timing will depend on the pace of the transition to new leadership. As you all know, CCER is the nonprofit that provides staffing support to the Road Map Project.
The decision to leave has been a hard one because I love the talented, dedicated CCER team and deeply appreciate the many hundreds of outstanding people I have gotten to know and work with these last nine years—people who are passionate about dramatically improving student success from cradle through college for students of color and low-income students growing up in South King County and South Seattle.
I see many signs of progress and feel very optimistic about the region’s ability to do better by the young people of our communities. Our team at CCER is amazing and I have full confidence in their abilities to move our work ahead and to continue to innovate and support our partners.
I remain completely devoted to the goals of the Road Map Project, but I believe it is time for new leadership. I feel very proud of the work we have accomplished together, yet I know that we need an even stronger collective effort over the next ten years to achieve the Road Map Project’s 2030 goal to close opportunity gaps so that our youth can achieve their college and career dreams. I will continue to work in our region on projects where I can make a positive contribution, and I will do everything I can to ensure a smooth transition to a new executive director for CCER. Once I leave, I intend to do some writing and will be working hard for political change in our country.
In the near future, the CCER board will communicate with key stakeholders about the search process. Our board will ask for the input and active involvement of our key Road Map Project partners in the search—so please stay tuned!
The work of the Road Map Project is far from done!
Mary Jean Ryan
Executive Director
Community Center for Education Results
Posted in: Other