Community Engaged Research 


The CCER data and research team continues to shift our approach from satellite data that capture high-level outcomes towards focusing our resources to support community practice partnerships and other initiatives that use street data methods to uplift data and stories from on-the-ground, lived student experiences. This kind of qualitative data can inform the quantitative data we collect to supplement and uplift these stories and ignite meaningful change.   Our team does this through rigorous community-engaged research, data strategy and capacity building. Underlying these efforts is the CCER longitudinal education data warehouse that contains pre-kindergarten through postsecondary academic data for students in the Road Map Project region.  

In the past we have focused heavily on student outcomes such as..  


We know that to achieve these outcomes it is crucial that we focus on factors that impact student outcomes such as..  


Research Team 

The research team partners directly with students and educators in school districts, post-secondary institutions and community-based organizations in the road map region. We seek to understand their experiences within education systems and the various factors within school systems that influence their progress. We integrate Liberatory Data and Research principles in the work we do to challenge and disrupt white-dominant norms and power dynamics in all aspects of our work, including strategies, resources, relationships, approaches, analyses, data stewardship, and impact. 


Data Team

The Community Center for Education Results (CCER) Data team supports community partnerships to drive racially equitable education system improvements within the Road Map Project region. The team develops and maintains system and student indicators, and shares these indicator results across a host of dashboards developed for practitioners, community partnerships, and the public. Across all data-related processes, CCER maintains strict data security practices to ensure student privacy is honored. 


Meet our Data & Research team