Reconnect to Opportunity


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Outreach and Recruitment Manager
King County Department of Community & Human Services

Peers helping peers

Reconnect to Opportunity, or ReOpp, supports young people ages 16 to 24 who have not finished high school, as well as those who have finished but are unsure about their next steps. We connect youth with education, employment, and postsecondary training opportunities in King County. Regardless of the challenges youth face, ReOpp’s outreach team offers a range of supports, from sharing options for education and employment programs to assistance with the application and enrollment process.

We believe that:

  • Everyone deserves a second chance. No matter where a student comes from or what was their past experience in school, they deserve a good education.
  • Positive relationships are essential. Every young person deserves a support system that builds them up and keeps them connected. Caring, respectful, and non-judgmental relationships can help anyone accomplish their goals.
  • There is more than one path to success. We will meet youth where they are. We want students in the driver’s seat as they explore options and work towards their education and employment goals.
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Opportunity youth action teams

Each of these Road Map Project teams is working to align regional efforts serving opportunity youth.

King County Reengagement Provider Network

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Opportunity Youth Advisory Group

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Racial Equity Essentials

The Road Map Project System-Wide Racial Equity Essentials are foundational, cradle-through-college system-level efforts that, if strengthened, will help our region advance racial equity and support student success. Reconnect to Opportunity is working in service of the following essential: