By Mary Jean Ryan, Executive Director, CCER

The Road Map Project is undergoing a significant period of “reconstruction,” so some “rerouting” be necessary.

Photo from the Advocacy Day in Olympia for the College Bound Scholarship and State Need Grant. We hope you’ll join us at the September ERN meeting to give input on how best to support student success in the next phase of the Road Map Project!

The Road Map Project began in 2010, and in that first year the 2020 goal was set and indicators of student success were established. Aligned partners have worked hard to improve outcomes for the young people growing up in our region and there have been tremendous accomplishments worth celebration and scaling. That said, the overall pace of progress – especially for students of color – is nowhere near rapid enough to reach the 2020 goal.  So partners are coming together to analyze and confront the need to change approaches in order to strengthen the foundations for a system that better supports student success.

For the past few months, the staff at the Community Center for Education Results, along with numerous partners and a volunteer planning team, have been working with consultants from the national StriveTogether network through a Strategic Refresh Process. This in-depth, reflective and strategic work is drawing from extensive community input gathered through the Education Northwest Formative Evaluation of the Road Map Project, as well as feedback from the Sponsors Group and the Community Network Steering Committee. Those discussions have resulted in four focus areas for the “second half” of the Road Map Project:

  • Increase the focus on racial equity and operationalize that focus throughout the Road Map Project
  • Increase parent and youth voice throughout the Road Map Project
  • Better organize advocacy at the state and local level for greater impact
  • Offer stronger support to key implementers

As we work through the process, we are examining every aspect of this collective impact effort, and exploring better ways of advancing racial equity and ensuring sustainable systems change. There is a strong recognition that the initial phases of the Road Map Project did not focus enough on changing and tracking adult behavior in the systems that serve kids – this will be an area of focus for the next phase of the work.

To craft the best possible plan for the next phase, we need the input and active involvement of all who can help improve outcomes for the young people of our region. We will be discussing some of the draft ideas for changes to the Road Map Project at the upcoming Education Results Network meeting, September 20 from 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. at the Renton Center Pavilion. We encourage your attendance and active involvement!

We will also be putting together a survey to ask key questions that are central to the new paths we may take. Here are some of the challenging questions we are hoping to discuss with partners and gather feedback on:

  • Should we maintain or change the Road Map Project 2020 goal?
  • How can we deepen the region’s ownership and commitment to improving systems so that they set up our young people for success?
  • How can we bring research, resources and implementation support closer to communities and the frontline implementers?
  • What can we do to better lift up and amplify family and student voice, so that it is thoroughly integrated into all aspects of Road Map Project efforts?
  • What sort of governance structure will best support community accountability and lasting systems change?

With your help, these and other questions will be discussed, which will influence the approaches taken during the next phase of the Road Map Project. However, no one person or group alone can meet the challenges we face and there is no one road to success; we can and will band together and find solutions. The promise of a positive future for our young people is dependent on us making the changes needed to give them the opportunities they need and deserve to reach their full potential.

Please roll up your sleeves and join us as we reconstruct our collective approaches to system improvement and student success!


Click the image to register for the September 20 Education Results Network meeting.

Posted in: Other

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